Site Visits

All ONSITE tickets holder can attend to one site visit complimentary. The attendees must take about the transportation to site visit place themselve. 

See more information and detail program at each site visit below.



Registration to the site visits is closed. You still have an opportunity to register to the waiting list in case some of the participants cancel their registration. Please send your inquiry to or ask at the Registration desk at the Conference.



Visiting Vilnius International Airport

16:15 - 18:00

Lithuanian airports adopted a strategy to reach net zero emissions in airport operations in 2050. During this visit you will hear how Vilnius airport will control CO2 emissions in line with increasing connectivity and extension of passenger terminal.
Throughout the time we spent at the site, you will have a unique opportunity to see around the airside territory, learn what is the progress of the new terminal construction and other airside infrastructure and renewable energy projects.

Group size

30 people

Additional Information

30 min drive from the Conference centre. The attendees take care of the transport and parking themselves.
Personal identification document will be required. Registration to this site visit will be closed on 17th of September.


15:45 - 16:00

The attendees take care of the transport themselves. If you are going to drive with your own car, provide your car registration number during registration to this site visit.

Visiting Energy Cells

16:00 - 17:00

Site visit to the largest project in the Baltics and one of the largest of its kind in Europe Energy cells worth 109 million Euros. Joining this site visit, you will have the opportunity to see the Battery site in Vilnius park. Experts of Energy cells will deliver a presentation about the challenges and lessons learnt implementing this strategically important project for Lithuania’s energy security.

Group size

25 people

Additional Information

30 min drive from the Conference centre. The attendees take care of the transport and parking themselves.

Arrival and Coffee

16:00 - 16:15

Please, do not be late as the entry will be closed after 16:15!

Office tour over the left wing of the office

16:15 - 16:30

Change Enablement Workshop

16:30 - 18:00

The world around us is changing all the time. In practice, we see that turning your plans into reality is not so easy. During the workshop you will have a chance to develop a change plan through very well-known stories from our childhood.
Workshop plan:
- Introduction to change planning (incl. definition of the change, John Kotter's 8-step model for leading change, change implementation plan structure) – 1h
- "Happily ever after" change planning activity in groups – 30 min.

Group size

20 people

Additional Information

15 min by walk from the Conference centre.


15:45 - 16:00

Office Tour

16:00 - 16:30

During the site visit you will be guided by SEB employee trough SEB headquarter building in Vilnius.

Open discussion

16:30 - 18:00

Open discussion and knowledge sharing session on SEB Baltic PMO set up in agile development lead by Dana Ivanauskaite, Head of SEB Baltic Portfolio and Project management will follow:
- How Portfolio management role transforms over time to support business needs
-What is different in PM role while leading large scale projects in agile environment
-How We, in SEB, position PM role and what are those skills that are important while running projects

Group size

30 people

Additional Information

10 min by walk from the Conference centre.

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